
Ladies Only…

There are unique challenges to dealing with sex and reproduction. The emotional is so tangled in with the physical and anatomical….it presents unique challenges. Especially for doctors who don’t have the time needed to explore and treat those intersections of mind and body. That’s where specialized therapists can help.  

I’ve always been interested in helping women get comfortable in their bodies and sexual selves. I started that path working at Women Against Rape at just 18. In my mid 20’s I experienced pregnancy loss via an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured followed by many miscarriages. I didn’t feel like the people in my life really knew what to say or how to help and I couldn’t find a professional specializing in fertility issues. Then in my 40’s, as my body was changing, the only person I could find who was educated in those areas was my gynecologist. But she didn’t have the time or the bedside manner to have those discussions, and besides, I felt uncomfortable bringing it up. And when my sister suffered from depression during her pregnancy and postpartum depression (that led to postpartum psychosis), I realized that even the people treating her did not use interventions specific to women who were postpartum. And they avoided talking about the pregnancy or her ambivalent and confusing feelings about the baby.

Then I began training in sex, sexual health and reproduction. I’m embarrassed to say that I learned things in my 40’s about MY OWN BODY that I didn’t know. I also learned a lot about reproduction, hormones, postpartum …and decided this would be a focus of my practice. I wanted to offer a place where women could sit down, have a cup of tea, and talk with me or other women (Yes, we offer sexual health discussion groups!) and ask the questions you would love to ask your mom if you could).

We offer individual and group counseling along with support groups for women focused on a variety of topics. Please check our website for offerings.