I Miss Your Face

Ok, yes. I am new to this blogging thing. I decided to try it because back in the day, my therapist kept all this really cool stuff on her office door. Everyone, even clients of other therapists would stop to read it! She put all kinds of stuff up there…cartoons, cool movie reviews, a question or thought to ponder and often a reflection on what’s going on out there in this crazy world. I enjoyed having a small peek into who she was. It made me feel more connected to her, which definitely made it easier to share myself in session. There and then I knew I wanted to someday do the same. And I did….but now we are in COVID times and no one ACTUALLY comes through my door to see it! Bummer! I do much prefer sitting down with my clients and having those little idiosyncratic moments that can sometimes get lost doing phone or virtual sessions. All the pleasantries seem to get fast forwarded past. And that’s really too bad. Those are the moments we get to know each other more intimately…just me ‘n you…human to human (or sometimes human to canine). So I figured maybe this would be an OK substitute for now…until we can be in each other’s physical company again. Let me know what you think…and I will happily adjust, as long as you don’t expect me to be an expert writer. You’re just gonna see some things I think are cool, or that I am reflecting on or sharing. So here goes…

Day 98 at home and the dog is looking at me like, “See…this is why I chew the furniture.”


This is Buster…and he joins us often in the office and yes, he’s still here for virtual appointments (but mostly barking or pushing me over on the couch to find his perfect snuggle spot). He’s wise beyond his years really. He knows when to come give you comfort (just a little kiss on the cheek) or when to just lie at your feet, available when you need him.

I didn’t plan for this.

Buster made his own decision about coming to work with me one day, absolutely refusing to be left behind. He jumped in the car and walked into the office like he owned the place. Before long he was visiting all the offices of other therapists’ and joining their sessions too. Eventually I had to put up a sign up sheet for him…sort of like a special request form! LOL He was in more demand than I was…ugh. Then whoever happened to have a reluctant or shy kid in the office, or a couple that couldn’t stop yelling long enough to talk- they would take precedent over other sessions that were “easier”. Buster’s fee was plenty of hugs and a few treats. Turns out, people were happy to pay, whatever his fee.

Just so you all know, Buster is of hypoallergenic-ness. He doesn’t shed, he’s super soft and he is very polite. In all of his 7 years he has never growled, despite the fact that he often is greeted by 25 plus kindergartners as I pick my granddaughter up from school. He just happily lays on his back and sucks in all the love and pets he can get, no matter the lack of gentleness that comes with it.

With all of this COVID coping, I know he misses going to work with me. He intuitively knows when I am dressing for work, going to the door and waiting for me to pick up my keys and open the door. Then he slumps down and pouts when he realizes it is a different kind of work day. I feel the same way sometimes. Happy to connect and loving the work of therapy, but missing that face to face. I can’t wait to see you all again, and Buster can’t wait for your belly rubs.

“I miss your face like hell. I do.”

Hilary Adorno